Online Exam Solution



Why are online exams gaining popularity in India?

In India the conventional method for conducting examinations – on pen and paper; are subject to lots of difficulties. The challenges are faced by students, instructors, examiners and institutions at large. The difficulties can emerge in the form of accidental question paper leakage, cheating on exams or even faulty paper checking leading to inaccurate scoring by students. These[…]



Top 5 Benefits of University Management System

A good university management system ensures improved academic delivery, working efficiency and better student achievements. It provides several benefits for candidates, staff and the organization. As the education landscape is experiencing a steady change, it has become essential for Universities to use an innovative university management system to overcome present and future issues. Listed below are some[…]



Why Hosting of Online Examination System on Amazon Web Services is Beneficial?

University examination system and Online examination system in India require a different approach to servers and hosting. This is because the observed load is highly erratic with more than 70% of the student examination applications coming in the last two or three days. Also the load pattern is often concentrated within the working day hours of 11[…]