Digital Marketing Agency




Presently, Brands and Businesses need to be more focused upon their digital marketing strategies. This is the only way to generate substantial gains in growth and profit. If you do not do this then the  chances are, you might never be able to generate enough attention to rank higher on the search engine results pages of Google. While you […]

Social Media Marketing Company



Best Ways to Increase Social Media Engagement

What is social media engagement? Social media engagement refers to the public shares, likes and comments on social media pages within various social media channels. Engagement has historically been a common metric for evaluating social media performance but it doesn’t necessarily translate to sales. With over 1.5 billion monthly users, a Facebook presence has become a necessity[…]

Digital Marketing Raipur



DIGITAL MARKETING: Importance of SEO For Businesses in 2019

What is SEO ?  Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the practice of increasing the number and quality of visitors to a website by improving rankings in the Google search engine results. Research shows that websites on the first page of Google receive almost 95% of clicks, and studies show the results that appear higher up on the[…]

Digital Marketing Company



Importance Of Digital Marketing in The New Era

Digital marketing encompasses aspects such as content marketing, social media marketing, the interaction of users with technology and so on. If you think digital marketing has nothing to offer your small business, think again.  There is a broad scope of digital marketing as promoting and branding business through digital media is the fastest and reliable mode of marketing[…]

social media day



Happy Social Media Day : June 30 2019

Social Media Day is observed annually on June 30th. Social Media Day was founded in 2010 by Mashable as a way to recognize and celebrate social media’s impact on global communication. So on this Significant day we are sharing some DO’s and Don’ts Of Social Media Marketing for your assistance. DO’s and Don’ts Of Social Media Marketing[…]

Digital Marketing Raipur



Best Ways to increase brand awareness Via social media

The most common problem these days for every form of business is How to use social media to promote business. One of the most effective ways to use social media for business is to build awareness for your brands and products. Picking Your Social Media Platforms First of all, Figure out which social media platforms your Target[…]

The Real Power Of Social Media Marketing in Business

Social media marketing has an enormous potential, many still don’t quite understand how to take advantage of social media and increase sales and brand awareness. Around the world, there are more than 2 billion social media users & surely social media users will continue to grow year after year. Social media marketing helps to promote and improve[…]

Social Media Marketing



Role of Social Media Marketing for Effective Business Growth

Ever wondered why social media marketing is such an enormous deal for advertisers today? As we know that 78% of small businesses attract new clients through social media? The ability to draw fans in social media depends on quality content that is both informational and engaging. We have compiled below some incredible statistics that explain why the[…]



What are Examinations and Examination Systems?

Examinations are a formal assessment process, where candidates can showcase their knowledge and proficiency in a given subject or topic. They are administered with varying purposes and at varying frequencies by an assessment or recruitment body. Examinations can be categorized on the basis of various dimensions. Some of these dimensions are: 1. Level of seriousness of the exams[…]

Online Assessment Test



Positive Aspects of Onscreen Evaluation System for Answer Sheet Checking

As compared to the traditional paper-based examination the online examination is the much simpler way, to upload the result more rapidly, but still many institutions follow, descriptive tests where the answer books are hand written and examined manually. The problems of traditional assessment are the evaluators are to be invited to examination center or the evaluators carry[…]