Online Exam Solution



Why are online exams gaining popularity in India?

In India the conventional method for conducting examinations – on pen and paper; are subject to lots of difficulties. The challenges are faced by students, instructors, examiners and institutions at large. The difficulties can emerge in the form of accidental question paper leakage, cheating on exams or even faulty paper checking leading to inaccurate scoring by students. These […]

University Management System



Top 5 Benefits of University Management System

A good university management system ensures improved academic delivery, working efficiency and better student achievements. It provides several benefits for candidates, staff and the organization. As the education landscape is experiencing a steady change, it has become essential for Universities to use an innovative university management system to overcome present and future issues. Listed below are some[…]

AWS Hosting



Why Hosting of Online Examination System on Amazon Web Services is Beneficial?

University examination system and Online examination system in India require a different approach to servers and hosting. This is because the observed load is highly erratic with more than 70% of the student examination applications coming in the last two or three days. Also the load pattern is often concentrated within the working day hours of 11[…]

Online Assessment Test



Advantage Of Taking Exam In Online Mode:

Today is the time of growing innovation. We see numerous improvements around us. One of these advancements is the accessibility of various methods of examinations. Today, every examination or test is being adapted for delivery through an online mechanism. It is quite clear that exam conducting bodies are adopting online examination systems to make their lives simpler…[…]

Online Examination System



How Online Examination Systems Also Help To Prevent Cheating?

One of the issues that you may need to consider while adopting a suitable online examination system is what features it has to restraint candidates from cheating on quizzes, competitive exams and tests. While full protection cannot be assured, there are things a good online examination system can do to restrict candidates from cheating online. Online tests[…]

University Management System



How Online Examination System Helps in University Recruitment?

Recruiting good teachers or professors can be a Key differentiator between two Universities. Also for a new University it is more of a requirement wherein they need to recruit a large number of qualified administrative and teaching faculties. Selecting the right candidate can be a difficult and complicated task. From release of notifications to receipt of applications,[…]

Higher Education Marketing Trends



The Most Important Higher Education Marketing Trends

Marketing is important to the growth and progress of higher education organizations. Universities and schools, inspite of size, location, want to attract and retain the best and most appropriate students, and the successful enrollment begins only with a great marketing approach. Higher education, promoting helps to identify a unique brand name that will allow the appropriate students[…]

Online Exam Solution



How Can An Online Assessment Be Helpful For Students?

As technology drives change in the education sector it is helping us to truly take the education and learning to the next level. An eminent pattern in the Indian education industry, especially in the section of test preparations, is the increasing shift towards the use of the online platform. With several competitive exams, moving to the online[…]

Assessment Cycle



Use of Technology in Handling Full Assessment Cycle

The Assessment Cycle: What is it ? Assessment Cycles is the cycle of activities covering the creation to administration of exams for evaluating the skills and abilities of people either in the on-boarding stage or as a part of ongoing evaluation. Whether one is assessing learning results or goals for a co-curricular program or for a single[…]




Social media usage for modern Indian Universities

Social media has come close to main stream media like news papers or hoardings these days in their impact and reach. It is no wonder that every political party or brand worth its name is now using some form of strategy for managing its presence on social media channels. As a modern university or one who wants[…]